What is the length of a Wakizashi? Discover its size and characteristics

What is the length of a Wakizashi? Discover its size and characteristics

The katana is not the only weapon used in Japan for wars. In ancient Japan, samurai warriors used a large number of swords to fight effectively and defeat their opponent. These swords include the wakizashi, which has a rich history and shows very precise cutting efficiency. Given its effectiveness and the history behind this sword, collectors want to have them in their collections. Thus, there are traditional manufacturing techniques mastered by the experts who use them. So what can you know about wakizashi?

What is a Wakizashi?

The wakizashi is a traditional Japanese sword shorter than the katana, measuring between 30 and 60 cm. It has a curved single-edged blade, designed for close combat and self-defense. 

As an integral part of samurai weaponry during the Edo period, it was often worn in addition to the katana, thus forming the ensemble called daisho.

Unlike the katana, wakizashi was allowed to rich merchants, who could not carry long blades. It was also used in indoor combat, where the length of the katana could be a disadvantage.

The wakizashi is mainly handled with one hand, with a handle adapted to the width of a palm. In some sabre schools, it is used in combination with a katana for two-sword fighting techniques. 

His role can then be defensive, serving as a left hand to fend off enemy attacks.

Today, wakizashi remains an important part of the Japanese martial arts, especially iaido and kendo, and is still a popular collector’s item.

What history and specificity behind the Wakizashi

In terms of history, Japan is one of the countries with a rich heritage in traditional weaponry. Composed mainly of sword and katana, these weapons are used for fighting wars and conflicts. 

Among these swords, the wakizashi is one of the most used for combat at that time. It should be noted that the latter appeared in Japan between the 15th and 16th centuries.

At that time, the country was ruled by powerful warriors, the shoguns, who imposed their authority on the provinces. This period of conflict saw the emergence of several types of swords, including the Wakizashi, used alongside the Katana by samurai.

What sets the Wakizashi apart is its shorter size, making it more manoeuvrable in close combat. Unlike the Katana, exclusively reserved for warriors, the Wakizashi was accessible to merchants, artisans and peasants. It has thus become a weapon of personal defense, widely adopted by the non-military classes.

The Wakizashi was also used as an auxiliary weapon, effective in situations where a Katana could be cumbersome, especially in confined spaces such as the interior of castles. 

Its role was not limited to combat: it was also used for seppuku, the suicide ritual of samurai.

Today, the Wakizashi remains a strong symbol of Japanese culture, perpetuated in martial arts and prized by collectors of ancient weapons.

The types of Wakizashi

Collectors who love wakizashi tend to like only 3 types of this sword. He noted that the first type of wakizashi preferred by collectors is the high wakizashi. The latter has a soul measuring between 54.5 and 60.6 cm. Indeed, it is a much longer version of wakizashi. 

Unlike the other models that are relatively short, this one has a size closely approaching that of a katana. However, it remains an auxiliary weapon and is used in close combat. In second place we find the Chu wakizashi which is much shorter than the first one, this one with a blade that measures between 40 and 54.6 cm. 

It should be noted that the CHU which precedes the wakizashi of this type of wakizashi refers to medium in Japanese. So collectors use the term wakizashi «medium». And third, the other sees that the wakizashi collector’s favorite is that the ko-wakizashi in the blade could measure between 35 and 40 cm. 

Its blade is relatively short compared to other types preferred by collectors. This is what makes it the perfect weapon for samurai wishing to have auxiliary swords.

How is Wakizashi made?

Making a wakizashi, a traditional Japanese sword shorter than the katana, is a meticulous process that takes several days. This process is similar to katana, although the blade of wakizashi is shorter.

Selection and preparation of steel

The blade is forged from tamahagane, a traditional Japanese steel obtained by reducing iron ore in a furnace called tatara.

 The blacksmith selects pieces of steel with different carbon content: hard steel (hadagane or kawagane) for the outer shell, and softer steel (shingane) for the core. This combination ensures a balance between sharpness and flexibility.

Forging and bending

At the level of forging and polishing, it should be noted that specific pieces of steel are heated to high temperature to allow a much easier hammering. 

This piece of steel is hammered off several times to facilitate the removal of impurities from the final rendering. It should be noted that everything is done by hand with traditional processes that only experts can master to perfection.

Assembly of components

Once the forging and polishing is complete, the next step is the assembly and assembly of each component to offer unparalleled strength and efficiency. 

This technique can differ from one school to another and from one expert to another. Once assembled, the blade is lengthened and shaped to achieve the desired dimensions and curvatures.

Quenching and polishing

The blade is then covered with a mixture of clay, stone and water, applied in a thicker layer on the back and thinner on the edge. This preparation allows, during quenching, to create the hamon, the distinctive quench line. 

The blade is heated and then cooled quickly, giving the edge its hardness while maintaining flexibility of the back. Finally, polishing, which lasts about a week, refines the cutting edge and reveals the hada and hamon patterns, thus completing the creation of wakizashi.

The Wakizashi in Japanese martial arts

The wakizashi is not only a collector’s weapon, it can be used at present if you have Japanese martial arts. Whatever these different martial arts are sporting events, they use real sports weapons to allow amateurs to fully enjoy their passion in the name of martial arts, those who use the katana can be noted as the Enmei Ryu. 

It is a Japanese martial art that uses the katana as the main weapon in the same hand which allows it to make attacks and sometimes defenses. So or accompany the katana, amateurs use wakizashi to lead a complete fight during competitions.

In addition to the Enmei Ryu, we have the niten ichi ryû which is unfounded by musashi miyamoto using essentially two swords. These swords are often made of katana much longer and wakizashi much shorter. However, an amateur might decide to use two wakizashi at a time if he feels much more comfortable with two short weapons rather than one long and one short tear. 

Wakizashi can be used in many other sports such as iaido and kendo. It should be noted that each martial art uses the wakizashi as they understand it, which is to note sometimes the differentiation of techniques used.

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