Customs Information
Customs Information and Customs Fees
Because we aim for complete transparency, we'd like to provide you with some key details regarding customs. Depending on what you order and where you live, your order may come through customs. The section below outlines how this works and what you need to know.
Since we cannot control customs in any way, we are unable to add customs duties or tariffs to invoices.
As a buyer, you are solely responsible for the payment of all fees such as taxes, customs duties, or other costs added to your shipment by the customs of your country. More on this below. We cannot reduce the prices on your customs forms as it's illegal.
As a buyer, you are also responsible for ensuring that the items we ship are legal/permitted to be shipped to your country, and you do so at your own risk.
If you encounter issues with a shipment at customs and are unsure of what to do, please contact us and we'll do our best to assist you.
What to Do if Your Order is Held by Customs
If needed, customs will contact you by mail or email. They will inform you of the next steps for clearing customs. Beyond that, if you have any questions, please reach out to us.